Women of Excellence Women in comparison with

Wednesday, April 20, 2011 At some point, she mentioned having advantages over men. To prove it, Dan Abrams in the book "Man Down" write eight things a woman of excellence, supported by research data.

What are the benefits of women than men? The following list, as reported by the womansday.com.

1. Overcome a broken heart
In the survey conducted on more than 1,000 singles in mind that more men suffer as a breakup or broken heart than women. The survey published in the Journal of Health and Social Behavior.

2. Driving a car
The man driving the car, 77 percent higher risk of death in accidents than women. That's according to research by a team from Carnegie Mellon University, USA.

3. Being a student
According to the statistics center of the United States, Bureau of Labor Statistics, the proportion of college women and men are as many as 185 people to 100 people. Estimated in 2016, 61 percent of bachelor's, master's 63 percent and 58 percent of doctorates were women.

4. Provide clues
Experiments conducted in secret research team from Saint Joseph's University, Philadelphia, United States, asking a group of men and women to tell the direction of the popular tourist destination.

The result is women are better at giving directions. According to researchers, women do take time to berpiikir in providing instruction that is more clear.

5. Investing
According to research by investment firms, Vanguard, in 2009, men tend to sell stocks at the wrong time and increase losses. Then, on the investment portfolio of research men and women between 2003 and 2004, known to her portfolio increased 10 percent in the year, four points higher than the average male.

6. Remember something
Two recent studies show women's scores on tests of verbal memory and faces five points higher than men. Past research in Sweden in 2008, known women better at remembering words, objects and images.

7. The nails
According to research by a team from the University of Massachusetts, a woman ten percent more accurate in putting up a nail with a hammer, related to the size and accuracy.

8. Delivering the news
Swiss research team conducted a survey on 160 respondents who watch news on television. The survey results showed the audience think women are more capable and credible in delivering the news.

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